(Photo credit: Angelique Preau, Andre Wagner, Thomas Harding)
Alexander Haus
Invitation Open day
Date: Sonntag, 22 April 201
Time: 12:00 to 17:00
Where: Alexander Haus, Am Park 2, 14476 GRoß Glienicke
Dear Neighbours and Friends
The Alexander-Haus e.V.,
in partnership with Groß Glienicker Kreis, Neue Nachbarschaften Groß Glienicke, Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Groß Glienicke, Neues Atelierhaus Panzerhalle, the local refugee shelter GU am Heinz-Sielmann-Ring,
Is very pleased to invite you to the
2018 Open Day.
Our planned activities will include tours of the house, contributions from our partners, sharing stories, children’s activities, sports, relaxation, celebrating, listening to music, and enjoying food from diverse cultures.
We look forward to sharing these with you!
12noon welcome, tours and children’s activities
1:15 pm opening buffet
2:00 pm coffee and cake
3:00 pm program